Singing Guide: Reuben Morgan

Singing Guide: Reuben Morgan

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Are you looking to sing like Reuben Morgan?

Reuben Morgan, the Australian worship pastor, and songwriter from the Hillsong Worship team, has a vocal style characterized by a smooth, powerful singing tone with a high range and impressive control. In this article, we will discuss some practical tips and techniques to help you develop your own vocal ability in a style similar to Reuben's.

1. Proper Vocal Warm-Up:

Before we start our singing practice, it is crucial to perform proper vocal warm-up exercises to prevent any vocal strain and damage. Singing Carrots offers a vocal warming-up exercise based on the principles of the Italian School of Bel Canto, which can help you develop correct vocal placement and voice control. You can find the "Farinelli Breathing" exercise in the video references above.

2. Master Vocal Registers:

Vocal registers are the different ranges in which we sing, and Reuben is known for his vocal range from his mid to high voice. You can learn to identify and train each of your vocal registers, such as your chest voice, head voice, and falsetto. Singing Carrots offers a tutorial on vocal registers, which you can check out here:

3. Open Mouth & Throat:

Reuben's singing style requires a well-opened mouth and throat, which helps him to deliver long, smooth phrases with full, resonant sound. A relaxed throat and open mouth also aid proper airflow and singing the correct pitch. You can learn more about how to open your mouth and throat while singing in this Singing Carrots article:

4. Breathing Techniques:

Breathing techniques are vital for excellent singing. It is essential to breathe correctly to allow full, deep breaths that generate enough power to create the right tone and notes. Singing Carrots offers a tutorial on breathing basics titled "Active and Passive Breathing" that can help you learn better breathing techniques.

5. Songs to Learn:

Reuben Morgan has an extensive music catalog with many great songs that showcase his vocal style. Some examples of his most popular tracks include "Eagles Wings," "Mighty to Save," and "One Day." We recommend finding songs that fit within your vocal range and practicing alongside Reuben's vocal style. You can use Singing Carrots's 'Search songs by vocal range' tool to find songs to sing based on your vocal range.

6. Learn to Emote:

Singing is more than just hitting the right notes; it is about emoting and creating a feeling that connects with the listener. In his music, Reuben infuses his emotions in every piece, and you can learn to do the same in your singing. Singing Carrots provides a helpful guide on how to sing with intuition, emotion, skill, and thinking.

7. Practice Meditation and Mindfulness:

Meditation and mindfulness exercises can help with relaxation, focus, and breathing during singing practice. Singing Carrots offers a breathing exercise called "Relaxing Breath," which can be helpful in preparing before your singing session.


Reuben Morgan's singing style, characterized by vocal control, emotion, and range, requires practice, and learning from his style can enhance your vocal abilities. With the practical advice provided in this article and utilizing Singing Carrots's resources, you can take your singing ability to the next level. Good luck and happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.